ROTAMEDICS PHARMACY was founded in 2007 in Ilorin, Kwara State to ensure the safe and effective delivery of pharmaceutical care to the general public. For easy access and convenience of our growing number of clients two more branches were opened at different locations in Ilorin. A wholesales department was created in 2013 inorder for drugs to be dispensed at affordable prices. Our Abuja branch is located in Mpape, Abuja a suburb close to Maitama, Abuja. We have four full-time pharmacists supported by a staff strength of over 30 in Ilorin and Abuja. Aside from our core business of providing quality pharmaceutical care, we also offer free blood pressure check, weight check, Body Mass Index (BMI) and height measurements at all times in all our locations. 
 As a means of giving back to the community, once or twice a year we organize free health-fare where the general public can access a medical doctor, dentist, optician, pharmacists and nurses at no cost. There are collection boxes in all our branches for donations to motherless babies homes. These donations are collated at regular intervals to buy essential needs for the homes such as food and medicine. Inorder to ensure our clients get the best in quality pharmaceutical products,  we formulated a few of our brand of drugs which include: 
1.Amlodipine 5mg (ROTAMET 5mg).2.Amlodipine 10mg (ROTAMET 10mg).3.Lisinopril 5mg (ROTAPRIL 5mg).4.Lisinopril 10mg (ROTAPRIL 10mg).5.Metformin 500mg (ROTAMET 500mg).6.Amiloride and Hydrochlorothiazide (ROTARETIC).7. 9-Months Prenatal Tablets8.Everyman Once Daily Complete Multivitamins Tablets9.Everywoman Once Daily Complete Multivitamins Tablets10.Seniors 50 Plus Once Daily Complete Multivitamins Tabletts11.Kiddos Chewable Children’s Multivitamins.



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